update_project_request module#

class edgeimpulse_api.models.update_project_request.UpdateProjectRequest(
logo: StrictStr | None = None,
name: StrictStr | None = None,
description: StrictStr | None = None,
projectVisibility: ProjectVisibility | None = None,
publicProjectListed: StrictBool | None = None,
lastDeployEonCompiler: StrictBool | None = None,
lastDeployModelEngine: StrictStr | None = None,
latencyDevice: StrictStr | None = None,
experiments: List[StrictStr] | None = None,
showCreateFirstImpulse: StrictBool | None = None,
labelingMethod: StrictStr | None = None,
selectedProjectTypeInWizard: StrictStr | None = None,
gettingStartedStep: StrictInt | None = None,
useGpu: StrictBool | None = None,
computeTimeLimitM: StrictInt | None = None,
dspFileSizeMb: StrictInt | None = None,
enterprisePerformance: StrictBool | None = None,
trainJobRamMb: StrictInt | None = None,
metadata: Dict[str, Any] | None = None,
readme: StrictStr | None = None,
lastAcquisitionLabel: StrictStr | None = None,
trainJobNotificationUids: List[StrictInt] | None = None,
dspJobNotificationUids: List[StrictInt] | None = None,
modelTestingJobNotificationUids: List[StrictInt] | None = None,
autoSegmenterJobNotificationUids: List[StrictInt] | None = None,
exportJobNotificationUids: List[StrictInt] | None = None,
csvImportConfig: Dict[str, Any] | None = None,
inPretrainedModelFlow: StrictBool | None = None,
dspPageSize: StrictInt | None = None,
indPauseProcessingSamples: StrictBool | None = None,
showSensorDataInAcquisitionGraph: StrictBool | None = None,
lastDeploymentTarget: StrictStr | None = None,
dataAcquisitionPageSize: StrictInt | None = None,
dataAcquisitionViewType: StrictStr | None = None,
dataAcquisitionGridColumnCount: StrictInt | None = None,
dataAcquisitionGridColumnCountDetailed: StrictInt | None = None,

Bases: BaseModel

class Config[source]#

Bases: object

allow_population_by_field_name = True#
validate_assignment = False#
auto_segmenter_job_notification_uids: List[StrictInt] | None#
compute_time_limit_m: StrictInt | None#
csv_import_config: Dict[str, Any] | None#
data_acquisition_grid_column_count: StrictInt | None#
data_acquisition_grid_column_count_detailed: StrictInt | None#
data_acquisition_page_size: StrictInt | None#
data_acquisition_view_type: StrictStr | None#
classmethod data_acquisition_view_type_validate_enum(v)[source]#
description: StrictStr | None#
dsp_file_size_mb: StrictInt | None#
dsp_job_notification_uids: List[StrictInt] | None#
dsp_page_size: StrictInt | None#
enterprise_performance: StrictBool | None#
experiments: List[StrictStr] | None#
export_job_notification_uids: List[StrictInt] | None#
classmethod from_dict(
obj: dict,
) UpdateProjectRequest[source]#

Create an instance of UpdateProjectRequest from a dict

classmethod from_json(
json_str: str,
) UpdateProjectRequest[source]#

Create an instance of UpdateProjectRequest from a JSON string

getting_started_step: StrictInt | None#
in_pretrained_model_flow: StrictBool | None#
ind_pause_processing_samples: StrictBool | None#
labeling_method: StrictStr | None#
classmethod labeling_method_validate_enum(v)[source]#
last_acquisition_label: StrictStr | None#
last_deploy_eon_compiler: StrictBool | None#
last_deploy_model_engine: StrictStr | None#
last_deployment_target: StrictStr | None#
latency_device: StrictStr | None#
metadata: Dict[str, Any] | None#
model_testing_job_notification_uids: List[StrictInt] | None#
name: StrictStr | None#
project_visibility: ProjectVisibility | None#
public_project_listed: StrictBool | None#
readme: StrictStr | None#
selected_project_type_in_wizard: StrictStr | None#
classmethod selected_project_type_in_wizard_validate_enum(v)[source]#
show_create_first_impulse: StrictBool | None#
show_sensor_data_in_acquisition_graph: StrictBool | None#

Returns the dictionary representation of the model using alias

to_json() str[source]#

Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias

to_str() str[source]#

Returns the string representation of the model using alias

train_job_notification_uids: List[StrictInt] | None#
train_job_ram_mb: StrictInt | None#
use_gpu: StrictBool | None#