get_themes_response module#

class edgeimpulse_api.models.get_themes_response.GetThemesResponse(
success: StrictBool,
error: StrictStr | None = None,
themes: List[Theme],

Bases: BaseModel

class Config[source]#

Bases: object

allow_population_by_field_name = True#
validate_assignment = False#
error: StrictStr | None#
classmethod from_dict(
obj: dict,
) GetThemesResponse[source]#

Create an instance of GetThemesResponse from a dict

classmethod from_json(
json_str: str,
) GetThemesResponse[source]#

Create an instance of GetThemesResponse from a JSON string

success: StrictBool#
themes: List[Theme]#

Returns the dictionary representation of the model using alias

to_json() str[source]#

Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias

to_str() str[source]#

Returns the string representation of the model using alias