sample module#

class edgeimpulse_api.models.sample.Sample(
id: StrictInt,
filename: StrictStr,
signatureValidate: StrictBool,
signatureMethod: StrictStr | None = None,
signatureKey: StrictStr | None = None,
created: datetime,
lastModified: datetime,
category: StrictStr,
coldstorageFilename: StrictStr,
label: StrictStr,
intervalMs: float,
frequency: float,
originalIntervalMs: float,
originalFrequency: float,
deviceName: StrictStr | None = None,
deviceType: StrictStr,
sensors: List[Sensor],
valuesCount: StrictInt,
totalLengthMs: float | None = None,
added: datetime,
boundingBoxes: List[BoundingBox],
boundingBoxesType: StrictStr,
chartType: StrictStr,
thumbnailVideo: StrictStr | None = None,
thumbnailVideoFull: StrictStr | None = None,
isDisabled: StrictBool,
isProcessing: StrictBool,
processingJobId: StrictInt | None = None,
processingError: StrictBool,
processingErrorString: StrictStr | None = None,
isCropped: StrictBool,
metadata: Dict[str, StrictStr] | None = None,
projectId: StrictInt,
projectOwnerName: StrictStr | None = None,
projectName: StrictStr | None = None,
projectLabelingMethod: StrictStr | None = None,
sha256Hash: StrictStr,
structuredLabels: List[StructuredLabel] | None = None,
structuredLabelsList: List[StrictStr] | None = None,

Bases: BaseModel

class Config[source]#

Bases: object

allow_population_by_field_name = True#
validate_assignment = False#
added: datetime#
bounding_boxes: List[BoundingBox]#
bounding_boxes_type: StrictStr#
classmethod bounding_boxes_type_validate_enum(v)[source]#
category: StrictStr#
chart_type: StrictStr#
classmethod chart_type_validate_enum(v)[source]#
coldstorage_filename: StrictStr#
created: datetime#
device_name: StrictStr | None#
device_type: StrictStr#
filename: StrictStr#
frequency: float#
classmethod from_dict(obj: dict) Sample[source]#

Create an instance of Sample from a dict

classmethod from_json(json_str: str) Sample[source]#

Create an instance of Sample from a JSON string

id: StrictInt#
interval_ms: float#
is_cropped: StrictBool#
is_disabled: StrictBool#
is_processing: StrictBool#
label: StrictStr#
last_modified: datetime#
metadata: Dict[str, StrictStr] | None#
original_frequency: float#
original_interval_ms: float#
processing_error: StrictBool#
processing_error_string: StrictStr | None#
processing_job_id: StrictInt | None#
project_id: StrictInt#
project_labeling_method: StrictStr | None#
classmethod project_labeling_method_validate_enum(v)[source]#
project_name: StrictStr | None#
project_owner_name: StrictStr | None#
sensors: List[Sensor]#
sha256_hash: StrictStr#
signature_key: StrictStr | None#
signature_method: StrictStr | None#
signature_validate: StrictBool#
structured_labels: List[StructuredLabel] | None#
structured_labels_list: List[StrictStr] | None#
thumbnail_video: StrictStr | None#
thumbnail_video_full: StrictStr | None#

Returns the dictionary representation of the model using alias

to_json() str[source]#

Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias

to_str() str[source]#

Returns the string representation of the model using alias

total_length_ms: float | None#
values_count: StrictInt#