organization_transformation_block module#

class edgeimpulse_api.models.organization_transformation_block.OrganizationTransformationBlock(
id: StrictInt,
name: StrictStr,
dockerContainer: StrictStr,
dockerContainerManagedByEdgeImpulse: StrictBool,
created: datetime,
createdByUser: CreatedUpdatedByUser | None = None,
lastUpdated: datetime | None = None,
lastUpdatedByUser: CreatedUpdatedByUser | None = None,
userId: StrictInt | None = None,
userName: StrictStr | None = None,
description: StrictStr,
cliArguments: StrictStr,
indMetadata: StrictBool,
requestsCpu: float | None = None,
requestsMemory: StrictInt | None = None,
limitsCpu: float | None = None,
limitsMemory: StrictInt | None = None,
additionalMountPoints: List[TransformationBlockAdditionalMountPoint],
operatesOn: TransformationJobOperatesOnEnum,
allowExtraCliArguments: StrictBool,
parameters: List[Dict[str, Any]] | None = None,
parametersUI: List[DSPGroupItem] | None = None,
maxRunningTimeStr: StrictStr | None = None,
sourceCodeAvailable: StrictBool,
repositoryUrl: StrictStr | None = None,
isPublic: StrictBool,
showInDataSources: StrictBool,
showInCreateTransformationJob: StrictBool,

Bases: BaseModel

class Config[source]#

Bases: object

allow_population_by_field_name = True#
validate_assignment = False#
additional_mount_points: List[TransformationBlockAdditionalMountPoint]#
allow_extra_cli_arguments: StrictBool#
cli_arguments: StrictStr#
created: datetime#
created_by_user: CreatedUpdatedByUser | None#
description: StrictStr#
docker_container: StrictStr#
docker_container_managed_by_edge_impulse: StrictBool#
classmethod from_dict(
obj: dict,
) OrganizationTransformationBlock[source]#

Create an instance of OrganizationTransformationBlock from a dict

classmethod from_json(
json_str: str,
) OrganizationTransformationBlock[source]#

Create an instance of OrganizationTransformationBlock from a JSON string

id: StrictInt#
ind_metadata: StrictBool#
is_public: StrictBool#
last_updated: datetime | None#
last_updated_by_user: CreatedUpdatedByUser | None#
limits_cpu: float | None#
limits_memory: StrictInt | None#
max_running_time_str: StrictStr | None#
name: StrictStr#
operates_on: TransformationJobOperatesOnEnum#
parameters: List[Dict[str, Any]] | None#
parameters_ui: List[DSPGroupItem] | None#
repository_url: StrictStr | None#
requests_cpu: float | None#
requests_memory: StrictInt | None#
show_in_create_transformation_job: StrictBool#
show_in_data_sources: StrictBool#
source_code_available: StrictBool#

Returns the dictionary representation of the model using alias

to_json() str[source]#

Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias

to_str() str[source]#

Returns the string representation of the model using alias

user_id: StrictInt | None#
user_name: StrictStr | None#